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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2016-09-26

1. come out 出来;出版;结果是,结局是。如:

The stars came out as soon as it was dark.


When did that book come out?


The game came out as we had expected.


2. come round 到这儿来;(又一度)到来。如:

You'd better come round here in the morning. We have to get everything ready before the party.


I am always glad when pay day comes round.


3. come through 经历(危险)活了下来。如:

He considered himself fortunate to have come through two world wars.


4. come to 加起来总共有(共计);谈到,涉及到。如:

How much does our bill come to this month?


When it comes to computers, I'm totally at sea.

当涉及到电脑时, 我可是一无所知。

5. come up with 提出,想出。如:

Scientists will have to come up with new methods of increasing the world's food supply.




out, round, through, to, up with

①The school has very good teachers, but when it comes ______ buildings, the school is poor.

②The teacher asked a difficult question, but finally a boy student came ______ ______ a good answer.

③He is not rich; his earnings come ______ only $ 6,000 a year.

④My grandpa was so lucky to come ______ the operation on his heart.

⑤My uncle promised to come ______ and fetch me.

⑥ Christmas will soon come ______.

⑦ That magazine comes ______ once a week.

⑧How did the movie finally come ______ ? I couldn't wait to see the ending.

Keys:①to ②up with ③to ④ through ⑤round ⑥round ⑦out ⑧out


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