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  • [用法辨析] ondition和conditions的用法区别 发表日期:2016-11-23

    一般入学程序都要交学费及填不少申请表格,例如学生证、申请宿舍等。我跟朋友说:I waited in the student affairs office in a crowded condition.但同学Gloria则指我说错了,condition一字应用复数conditions。因为形容某人的状况时,我们可以用单数condi...

  • [介词] 介词of用法大全 发表日期:2016-11-23

    1. 表示剥夺,除去 deprive sb. of his right denude sb. of his possession (hope) divest the baby of his clothes rid him of this fear rob sb. of his wallet defraud sb. of gold ring cure sb. of cancer heal sb. of cancer purify the nation clean...

  • [用法辨析] 's与of 所有格之区别 发表日期:2016-11-08

    一、's 所有格的用法 1. 表示人、由人组成的集体、动物真正所有的: the boy's mother 男孩的母亲 the government's policy 政府的政策 the cat's neck 猫的脖子 2. 表示时间: a day's journey 一天的旅程 today's newspaper 今天的报纸 3. 表示自然现象:...

  • [用法辨析] 's与of 所有格之区别 发表日期:2016-11-08

    一、's 所有格的用法 1. 表示人、由人组成的集体、动物真正所有的: the boy's mother 男孩的母亲 the government's policy 政府的政策 the cat's neck 猫的脖子 2. 表示时间: a day's journey 一天的旅程 today's newspaper 今天的报纸 3. 表示自然现象:...

  • [用法辨析] in that 作为连词的用法 发表日期:2016-11-08

    in that是一种固定搭配,其意为因为,与for the reason that, because 同义,可用于引导原因状语从句。如: I'm in a slightly awkward position in that he's not arriving until the 10th. 我的处境有点尴尬,因为他要到10号才来。 Most of them are not i...

  • [用法辨析] familiar的用法大全 发表日期:2016-11-07

    familiar 表示熟悉的,亲近的,或随便的(表示不满)之意。 1.familiar 作熟悉的用时,可与with/ to 连用。 be familiar with sth 某人对某事物熟悉 sth be familiar to sb 指某事物为某人所熟悉 例句: Most people are familiar with this figure from Wag...

  • [用法辨析] enough的用法 发表日期:2016-11-07

    1.enough做形容词,表示足够的,足够量的,通常与for连用。如: They had enough cash for a one-way ticket. 他们有足够的现金买一张单程票。 Her disappearance and death would give proof enough of Charles' guilt. 她的失踪和死亡将提供足够的证据证明...

  • [用法辨析] enjoy的用法 发表日期:2016-11-07

    1.enjoy表示享受的乐趣,如: He was a guy who enjoyed life to the full. 他是个尽情享受生活乐趣的人。 2.enjoy表示享有,如: The average German will enjoy 40 days' paid holiday this year. 德国人今年平均将享有40天带薪假期。 3.enjoy doing sth(...

  • [用法辨析] clean与cleanly的用法区别 发表日期:2016-11-02

    一、用作形容词 1. clean 的用法 clean 用作形容词时意为干净的清洁的等。如: Apply the paint with a clean brush. 用干净的刷子涂油漆。 Cats should always have access to fresh, clean water. 猫应该总能喝到新鲜、干净的水。 Having clean hands is o...

  • [用法辨析] 如何区别also, too, either与as well 发表日期:2016-11-02

    also, too, either与as well 均可表示也,用法及其区别分述如下: 1. too 和 as well 两者多用于口语中,语气较轻,通常用于肯定句或疑问句,一般不用于否定句,且通常放在句末。如: He divorced her, and a good thing too [as well]. 他和她离了婚,这也...

  • [用法辨析] 副词almost与nearly用法比较 发表日期:2016-11-02

    1. almost [nearly] 都可用来修饰不定代词、形容词、副词、动词、介词短语等,此时两者常可换用。如: My car almost [nearly] stood still because of a traffic block. 我的车子因为交通阻塞而几乎动弹不得。 I lost my concentration and almost [nearly]...

  • [用法辨析] alone 的用法归纳 发表日期:2016-11-02

    1. 表示独自单独,可用作形容词或副词;但用作形容词时,只用作表语,不用于名词前作定语。如: I'm terrified at the prospect of being alone in the house. 我要是自己呆在一所房子里就很害怕。 I realized they wanted to be alone together so I felt v...

  • [用法辨析] also, too, either, as well的区别 发表日期:2016-11-02

    这四个副词均可表示也,区别如下: 1. too 和 as well 多用于口语中,语气较轻,通常用于肯定句或疑问句,一般不用于否定句,且通常放在句末。如: I like you too [as well]. 我也喜欢你。 Are they coming too [as well]? 他们也来吗? too 有时也紧跟在主...

  • [用法辨析] never与ever的用法比较 发表日期:2016-11-02

    一、never的用法 1. never主要与肯定动词连用而不与否定动词连用。一般情况下它意为从未有过: Some people are never satisfied. 有些人从不满足。 I was never very good at maths. 我在数学方面从来就不很好。 A clever politician never promises too mu...

  • [用法辨析] wide与widely的用法区别 发表日期:2016-11-02

    两者均可用作副词,区别如下: 区别1 wide用作副词主要表示张大睁大到最大程度,侧重指物体从一边到另一边的距离(联系其形容词用法),通常与wide, apart等连用。如: Open your mouth wide. 把口张开。 The door was wide open. 门敞开着。 He was standin...