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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2016-06-16

1. 加法:加法运算通常用and, plus, add 等表示。如:

Seven and [plus] eight is [are, make(s)] fifteen. 7加8等于15。

If you add ten to eight, you get eighteen. 10加8等于18。


2. 减法:减法运算通常用 minus, from, take (away) (from) 等表示。如:

Eight minus five is [leaves] three. 8减 5等于3。

4 from 20 leaves 16. 20减4余16。

Ten take away four is [leaves] six. 10减去4得6。(D8)

If you take five from twelve, you're left with seven. 12减去5得7。

If you take four away from ten, that leaves six. 10减去4得6。


3. 乘法:乘法运算通常用 times, multiplied by, twice 等表示。如:

Five times three is [equals] fifteen. 5乘以3等于15。

Five multiplied by two equals ten. 5乘以2等于10。

What is twice two? 2乘2是多少? (from www.yingyuyufa.com)

4. 除法:除法运算通常用 divided by, into 等表示。如:

Twelve divided by four is [makes] three. 12除以4等于3。

Four into twelve is [makes] three. 12除以4等于3。



所谓并列复合句,就是指并列句中的两个分句中又内含从句,或者说就是含有复合句的并列句。如: The policeman looked at me suspiciously. 那警察用怀疑的眼光看着我。(简单句) He asked me w...[阅读全文]