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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2014-03-25


1. 承前省略:即根据前文语境省略后文中所含的不言而喻的名词。如:

Two pairs of your trousers are still at the cleaner's. 你的两条裤子还在洗衣店里。

I'll go in Frank's cat and you can go in Alan's. 我坐弗兰克的车去,你可以坐阿兰的去。

2. 习惯性省略:当所有格所修饰的名词表示教堂、商店、诊所、某人家、某人办公室等时,所有格后的名词有时可以省略。如:

I'm staying at my aunt's. 我住在我姑母家。

They were married in St Bartholomew's. 他们是在圣巴塞洛缪大教堂结婚的。

"Where's Jenny?" "She's gone to the butcher's." “詹妮在哪儿?”“她去肉店了。”

Would you mind going to the chemist's for me? 你愿为我跑一趟药店吗?

I've got an appointment at the dentist's at 11:15. 我已预约11时15分到牙医诊所看病。

You can't go to London without visiting Harrod's. 你不能去了伦敦而不去参观哈罗德百货商店。


1. Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. 麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦。 第一、四个trouble是动词,第二、三个trouble是名词。 2. I think that that that that that student wr...[阅读全文]

一、加法运算的表示 常用and, plus, add 等表示。如: Seven and [plus] eight is [are, make(s)] fifteen. 7加8等于15。 If you add ten to eight, you get eighteen. 10加8等于18。 二、减法...[阅读全文]

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