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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2016-09-28

(1)prepare sb. for / to do sth.使某人对……作好准备

The teacher are preparing the students for the final examination.老师们正让学生准备期末考试。

The mother prepared her son to go to preschool.妈妈让儿子准备好去学前班。

(2)prepare sb. sth.为某人准备……

The host and hostress prepared us a delicious meal.主人为我们准备好美味佳肴。

(3)prepare sth. for + n. / v.-ing.(动名词)准备……,为……做准备

The peasants are preparing the ground for planting.农民们正在为栽种准备耕地。

(4)sb. prepare for sth. / to do sth.某人准备做……

The students are busy preparing for the college entrance examination.学生们正忙着准备考大学。

(5)be prepared for…为……准备,对……作好了准备,表示结果

The students are well prepared for the sports meeting.学生们为运动会做了充分准备。Prepare的用法及搭配详解

They were not prepared for the attack at all.他们根本没有预料到这次袭击。

(6)be prepared to do sth.准备好……,愿意

Always be prepared to answer questions in class.课堂上要时刻准备回答问题。

(7)be prepared against防备

We are prepared against natural disasters.我们作好预防自然灾害的准备。


一、nature的用法 1. 表示(大)自然自然界等,是不可数名词,有时大写第一个字母。如: Isnt Nature wonderful? 大千世界不奇妙吗? Nature is at its best in spring. 春天万物欣欣向荣。 He en...[阅读全文]

a,an,one这组词都有一的意思。其区别是: 1、不定冠词a用在以辅音开始的单数名词前;an用在以元音开始的单数名词前;one即可用在以元音开始的单数名词前,也可用在以辅音开始的单数名词前。例如...[阅读全文]

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