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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2021-08-14


Soak the clothes in cold water. 把这些衣服浸泡在冷水里。

You shouldn't wear informal clothes to an interview. 参加面时,不应该穿得随随便便的。


She hung the clothes on the line to dry. 她把衣服挂在绳上晾干。

Our clothing protects us against the cold. 我们的衣服可以御寒。

但是, 若不考虑其细微区别,clothes和clothing常可换用。如:

Warm clothes are [clothing is] a must in the mountains. 在山里厚衣服是必不可少的。

另外,在a wolf in sheep's clothing(披着羊皮的狼)这一习语中,习惯上用clothing。如:

He turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing. 他原来是只披着羊皮的狼。

He certainly seems harmless enough, but is he a wolf in sheep's clothing? 看起来他倒是十分和善,但会不会是披着羊皮的狼?


一、nature的用法 1. 表示(大)自然自然界等,是不可数名词,有时大写第一个字母。如: Isnt Nature wonderful? 大千世界不奇妙吗? Nature is at its best in spring. 春天万物欣欣向荣。 He en...[阅读全文]

a,an,one这组词都有一的意思。其区别是: 1、不定冠词a用在以辅音开始的单数名词前;an用在以元音开始的单数名词前;one即可用在以元音开始的单数名词前,也可用在以辅音开始的单数名词前。例如...[阅读全文]