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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2021-08-14


1)过去进行时(仅限于come, go, leave这类动词):

He was busy packing, for he was leaving that night. 他忙着收拾行李,因为那晚他就要走了。

She told me she was going to Boston. 她告诉我她准备去波士顿。

2)was going to:

She said she was going to come early. 她说她一早就来。

When I arrived, the train was just going to start. 我到时火车正要开出。

3)be about to(表示“就要”、“即将”发生某事):

He was about to go out when the phone rang. 他正要出去时电话铃响了。

I was just about to explain when shen interrupted me. 我正要解释,她打断了我的话。

4)be due to(表示“定于”):

He was due to speak that night. 他定于那天晚上发言呢。

Mary was due to leave at 2 o'clock. 玛丽定于两点出发。


有些结构可以表示过去某时打算要做的事或预计要发生的事,如: 1)过去进行时(仅限于come, go, leave这类动词): He was busy packing, for he was leaving that night. 他忙着收拾行李,因为...[阅读全文]

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