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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2016-08-31

many/much 的比较级均为more,最高级为most.


There are many books.这有许多书.

=>There are more books than before.这的书比以前多.

=>He has the most books in the class.他的书在全班最多.


形容词比较级的修饰语 1)形容词比较级前可加much, a lot, a bit, a little之类表示程度的状语: He's feeling a lot better today. 他感到今天好多了。 2)也可在比较级前any, no, some, even,...[阅读全文]

many/much 的比较级均为more,最高级为most. many的比较等级和最高级例句 There are many books.这有许多书. =There are more books than before.这的书比以前多. =He has the most books in the...[阅读全文]