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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2020-04-20

1. 含宾语从句的复合句转换为简单句。即将宾语从句转换成相应的短语:

We expected that you would come. 我们希望你来。

→We expected you to come. 我们希望你来。

Now tell me what I should do. 现在告诉我该怎么办。

→Now tell me what to do. 现在告诉我该怎么办。

I remember I once met her at a party. 我记得在一次晚会上见过他。

→I remember once meeting her at a party. 我记得在一次晚会上见过他。

I ask him what I shall do. 我问他该怎么办。

→I ask him what to do. 我问他该怎么办。

I can't decide whom I should invite. 我不能决定该邀请谁。

→I can't decide whom to invite. 我不能决定该邀请谁。

2. 含状语从句的复合句转换成简单句。即将状语从句转换成状语短语:

He can't come because he is ill. 他因病不能来。

→He can't come because of his illness. 他因病不能来。

Turn off the light before you leave. 离开前请关灯。

→Turn off the light before leaving. 离开前请关灯。

He went home after he finished his work. 他做完工作后就回家了。

→He went home after finishing his work. 他做完工作后就回家了。

He was so angry that he couldn't speak. 他气得话都说不出来。

→He was too angry too speak. 他气得话都说不出来。

He studied hard in order that he could pass the exam. 他努力学习以便能考及格。

→He studied hard in order to pass the exam. 他努力学习以便能考及格。


英语表示某时某处有(指存在,不是指占有)某人某物时用There+be(be随后面的主语单复数和时态而变)+主语+状语句型。there be 句型结构中,there是引导词,无词义,be是谓语动词,be后面的名词...[阅读全文]

many a +名词作主语时,从意义上看是复数,但谓语动词常用单数.例如: Many a student has been sent to plant trees. 很多学生被派去植树....[阅读全文]

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