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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2016-06-25



He lay in bed, awake. 他躺在床上,没有睡着。(表伴随)

He arrived home, hungry and tired. 他回到家里,又饿又累。(表结果)

Unable to afford the time, I had to give up the plan. 由于抽不出时间,我不得不放弃这个计划。(表原因)


He lay in bed and he was awake.

He arrived home and he was hungry and tired.

Because I was unable to afford the time, I had to give up the plan.


有少数形容词,如red, boiling, freezing, icy, bitter等,它们在某些搭配中可以起副词,用作状语,表示程度,意为“很”“非常”等。如:

The stove was red hot. 火炉是炽热的。

It's boiling hot. 它是滚烫的。

His face was bright red. 他的脸是鲜红的。

The weather is freezing [icy, bitter] cold. 天气冷极了。

但这样的用法非常有限,并往往只用于某些特定搭配中,如可说 bitter cold(冰冷),bitter wind(寒风)等,但习惯上却不说 bitter hot(炽热),bitter busy(极忙)等。



Sure enough, she was there. 果然她在那里。

Strange to say, he did pass his exam after all. 说也奇怪,考试他竟然通过了。

He may be late. Worse still, he may not come at all. 他可能会迟到。更糟的是,他可能根本不来。

More important, he's got a steady job. 更重要的是他得到了一个稳定的工作。

Most remarkable of all, he never suffers from nerves on the stage. 最了不起的是他从不怯场。


三者均可表示快,其区别比较麻烦,归纳以下几点供参考: 1. 表示人的动作之迅速,三者都可用,有时可换用。如: a fast [rapid, quick] worker 做事手脚快的人 a fast [rapid, quick] typist 打...[阅读全文]

1) 如果后接名词时, much more +不可数名词 many more +可数名词复数 2) old 有两种比较级和最高级形式: older/oldest 和elder/eldest。 elder,eldest 只用于兄弟姐妹的长幼关系。 My elder b...[阅读全文]