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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2018-08-01


May is the fifth month. 5月是一年的第5个月。

That was the third time he had entered the house. 那是他第3次进入这座房子。

In came the first runner, closely followed by the second. 第一位赛跑者进来了,紧跟着第二位也进来了。


That would be his third wife. 那也许是他的第3个妻子了。

I got my first bicycle two years ago. 两年前我买了第一辆自行车。


We’ll have to do it a second time. 我们得再做一次。

Shall I ask her a third time? 我还要问她一次吗?


一、表示日期 1949年1949读作nineteen forty-nine 6月23日June 23rd 读作June (the) twenty-third或the twenty-third of June 2006年10月October 2006 读作October, two thousand and six 1600...[阅读全文]

1.强调编号和顺序。例如:Autumn is the third season of the year.秋天是一年的第三个季节。 I will never give up,not even on the 1,000th or 10,000th try.即使再试一千次、一万次我也不...[阅读全文]