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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2018-09-01

1. 单词+并列连词+单词

We both shrugged and laughed. 我们两人都耸耸肩,笑一笑。

He came and sat down and spoke to me. 他进来,坐下和我说话。

We felt hot, tired and thirsty. 我们觉得又热,又累,口又干。

He is healthy and handsome. 他既健康又帅气。

2. 短语+并列连词+短语

The butterflies flew over our heads and about the flowers. 蝴蝶在我们头上飞,在花丛中飞。

3. 从句+并列连词+从句

I know that he has been arrested and that he is in prison. 我知道他被捕而且坐牢了。

4. 分句+并列连词+分句

I played the piano and she sang. 我弹钢琴,她唱歌。

5. 其他

I declared this seriously and with confidence. 我严肃而且自信地做出声明。(单词+并列连词+短语)

Lets take him to hospital or something. 咱们送他去医院或做点什么。(分句+并列连词+单词)


and, both...and 连接两个可数名词时,一般谓语用复数;or, either...or, neither...nor, not only...but also...谓语的数以谓语自身旁边的主语为准。

Both salt and sugar dissolve easily. 盐和糖均易溶解。

Not only the students but also the teacher is enjoying the film. 不仅学生而且老师都在津津乐道地看着电影。

Neither the students nor the teacher knows anything about it. 同学们和老师对此都一无所知。

Neither he nor they are wholly right. 他和他们,谁都不是完全对的。

Either he or I am right. 或者他对,或者我对。


两者均可表示转折或对比,意为但是、可是、然而等,但有区别: 1. 表示转折时,but 是连词。如: He is young but very experienced. 他虽年轻,但经验很丰富。 He has three daughters but no ...[阅读全文]

其规律由so与such的不同词性决定。such 是形容词,修饰名词或名词词组,so是副词,只能修饰形容词或副 词。so 还可与表示数量的形容词many,few,much, little连用,形成固定搭配。 so + adj. ...[阅读全文]