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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2016-10-08

1. 动词的ing形式包括动名词和现在分词,二者都可作表语。如:

Our job is playing all kinds of music . ( 动名词 )

The music they are playing sounds so exciting . ( 现在分词 )

注:一般来讲,动名词 ( 短语 ) 作表语,主表可互换,即:Playing all kinds of music is our job.


2. - ing形式做定语可以表示

1 ) 所修饰名词的用途

a waiting room ( = a room for waiting ) / a walking stick ( = a stick for walking )

2 ) 所修饰名词正在进行的动作,可以换成定语从句形式

a waiting man ( = a man who is waiting ) / a sleeping child ( = a child who is sleeping )

3. 在see , hear , feel , watch , notice等感观动词后可以用 - ing形式做宾语补足语。这时 - ing形式和句子的宾语之间存在着逻辑上的主谓关系,并且 - ing形式表示宾语正在进行的动作。如:

He saw a girl getting on the tractor. ( = He saw a girl and the girl was getting on the tractor . )

Do you hear someone knocking at the door?

1).做宾语补足语We watched three boys sharing their food with each other.

2).做主语补足语She was heard singing in the next room.

3).做表语和定语My job is teaching English. /a walking stick/a waiting room


The girl singing now is a classmate of mine.


He sat at the desk reading a magazine.

Being very young, he can't dress himself.

Having finished all the work, they went to the shore.

Her parents died, leaving her a big house.


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