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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2016-06-16



As we all know, reading is very important.

Reading is very important, which we have already known when we were very young.


He failed in the exam again, as was expected.

He failed in the exam again, which was unexpected.


Jack was admitted into the university, as we had expected.


as has been said before as often happens

as is well known as we all can see

the same...as such...as


He passed the exam, which made him delighted.


They went to the zoo, after which they saw a film.


He can write a letter in English, which I cannot.


Beijing, which he was born, is our capital.

(9)代替主句中的形容词时, 常用which,如:

Lily thought me clever, which she herself was.

在定语从句中,相比于which VS that,who VS that,我们对which与as两者区别的关注度要少很多,在遣词造句或是口语表达中,也常常是“跟着感觉走”。


一、each和every的用法 every和each同属中位限定词,都可与单数名词连用,且意义相近,表示每个。 each和every的用法一般为: Each day is better than the one before. 一天比一天好。 Every pl...[阅读全文]

具体Neither nor的用法有以下几种: 1、neithernor表示既不也不。其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。 例如: She likes neither butter nor cheese. 她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪。此句...[阅读全文]