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是such other 还是other such

作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2019-11-03


a. We need __________ dictionaries.

b. I think __________ mistakes should be avoided.

A. some such, all such B. such some, such all

C. some such, such all D. such some ,all such

分析:此题应选A。按英语习惯,such与no, any, some, all, few,

many, each, every, several, other, another, one, two等连用,通常应置于其后。如:


正:There are no such things now.

误:There are such no things now.


正:I have met many such people.

误:I have met such many people.


正:One such dictionary is enough for me.

误:Such one dictionary is enough for me.


正:Every such possibity must be considered.

误:Such every possibity must be considered.


正:I hope never to meet another such accident.

误:I hope never to meet such another accident.

但是such要放在 a, an 之前。如:


正:I have never heard such a thing.

误:I have never heard a such thing.


具体Neither nor的用法有以下几种: 1、neithernor表示既不也不。其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。 例如: She likes neither butter nor cheese. 她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪。此句...[阅读全文]

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